Friday, October 21, 2016

RIP Wayne Bradley

From Lindsay on Facebook

"Wayne Bradley passed away suddenly on Monday night. Wayne was customs officer in the early days' clearing ships into Loloho Wharf. He resided in the famous corner donga at Camp 6 and was one of the true legends of the mid 70's on Bougs. His father Clary was Safety Manager with BCL very early 70's. Wayne, you will be sorely missed old mate. Too young to be leaving us so early"

Our condolences go to the Bradley family. What a terrible shock this is to Wayne`s endless circle of his many friends and acquaintances.

I first came across Wayne and his father, Clarrie, in the early 70`s. They were both quite high profile in our busy construction community but for different reasons.  Clarrie was Rio`s authority on all matters OH&S.  He would cover more K`s in a day than the rest of us would do in a week.  Wayne was popular in the extreme. I can still see his image from those days, tall, lean of build, red “gras” and forever with a smile on his dial.  In those days Panguna and Kieta were lively places for the young, outgoing single. I know of this . . . . . . first hand!

After his time at Loloho, Wayne was Burns Philp`s International Shipping Manager for Bougainville. On departing PNG he was employed as the Assistant Manager Environmental Services at the Mt Eliza Centre. He continued to pursue further studies in environmental management and OH&S.  For several years from 1990 he was the Environmental Services Manager at the Dandenong Hospital Southern Healthcare Network. He then returned to the tropics and for 10 years and was with Education Queensland
Kind regards
0418 784 186

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