Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Phoebe Koles – a role model for women in business

Hailing from Haku (Lemanmanu) in North Bougainville and Siwai in the South Bougainville, Phoebe Koles grew up spending most of her childhood days in the northern region. This was her father’s place. Being the first born in a family of four (4), Phoebe had to perform up to expectations her parents had for her.
Phoebe finished her grade 10 at Hutzena High School (upgraded to a secondary school in 1997) and then, being amongst the top students, she was selected to attend Kerevat National High School in the East New Britain Province from 1998 to 1999.
Finishing from high school, she continued onto Commercial Training College where she completed in December 2006 and was recommended by CTC to continue on to a degree at the University of Technology. She wasn’t able to finish her studies because she was expecting her firstborn child. She had to quit studies and get back home until the delivery of her baby, however she didn’t lose the belief in herself to pursue her dreams.
Phoebe gave birth to her first child on the 12 June 2007 at Buka General Hospital. The arrival of the gorgeous baby girl was great delight and joy for the young mother, but quickly had to move back to Lae to be with her husband. Managing a family of her own was somewhat challenging for the young lady but still she strove to build on what she had started with her studies.
In 2009 she started working as a merchandiser with SVS (Super Value Stores) and was promoted to Marketing Secretary from 2010, but unfortunately, a move back to Buka during 2011 made her quit the fine job she had. She didn’t have much choice but to wait in hope of finding a new job as soon as possible as she needed to provide necessities for her family. Buka, at that time, was not a place where there were jobs for her, so she stayed home for a year looking for a new job.
While she waited though she set up a market stall for herself on the road side next to their house where she would sell ice-blocks, spears and betel nut. Whilst marketing, she had her eyes and ears open for job vacancies in regards to her specified field of work.
Luckily, in November 2013, she started working with National Development Bank (NDB) as an Admin Officer. Apparently her efforts put into the field of work she was in charge of had her promoted to Women in Business Officer at Buka Branch in April 2015.
Today, Phoebe Wamo Koles is a remarkable woman with outstanding work in her job and is well known and liked in the region knows her. There are lots of people from all around the region who have come for loans from NDB and with her help have set up businesses.
Being in charge of Women In Business in the National Development Bank she aims to help motivate Bougainvillian women do business rather than putting men as top shots all the time.
She plans on finishing her studies and getting a degree once she feels the time is right for her. She hasn’t ever given up on herself in pursuing her dreams.
For me, she is a great role model for us young Bougainvillian women.

(Source:  http://www.bougainville24.com/bougainville-aid/phoebe-koles-a-role-model-for-women-in-business/  )

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