Friday, July 29, 2016

Peter Hansen RIP

To the ex-Bougainville B16 fraternity,

We regret to advise of the passing of former long time B16 Operations Foreman, Peter Hansen. Our condolences go to Cynthia and the family.

Peter had been fighting lymphoma cancer for some considerable time. He died in the Newcastle hospital on the 10th July and the funeral service took place in Singleton on the 19th.

Peter joined us in September 1970 and served with us until 1978.  Subsequent to BCL he then remained with RioTinto for many years. Our records show that he was with Ulan Coal up until 1995. The Hansen homestead was called Illangi and it was located in Gungul, NSW. The Hansens were great friends of Sally and Warren, from up in Grafton.

I first met Peter at change of shift when he was visiting fellow members of Crew 1 and / or neighbours of ours, at Camp 3. Peter, for several years reported to Tom Kuzman. There were some rowdy types about in those days including Henry Gardner, Clary Parkinson and Jim Holt (a visitor to Camp 3).  In those days i was with Bechtel and i shared a room with Jim Murren.  Other neighbours were Neil Smart and Tom Kennedy.  Another senior BCPL operative in the single quarters was Gordon (Chiefee) Davis.  Gordon, for a time headed the lads on the hydraulicing works.

I remember late one evening Henry was introducing us to the joys of chewing tobacco when Peter proclaimed in a load voice, “Davo, you are supposed to chew it, not eat it ! “  There was another time when Henry and I missed our transport to the Pan Flat boozer. I expected to labour along the circuitous route, via Camp 7.  Not so, Henry introduced me to a more direct walk, straight across the ridge, opposite Camp 3.

Peter knew his trade and he was a diligent employee. He also was a “fun bloke”, forever smiling and with a great sense of humour.  I very much regret that I did not get to accept his invitation to visit Gungul.


Daryl, thank you for helping me with some of these names, etc.  If you can find a contact for Tom and / or Shina I would be grateful.

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