Wednesday, March 4, 2015

RIP Wally Sanger


It is sad to hear of Wally`s passing. The BCL Recruiting Department did quite nicely by being open to employment discussions with the many sailors who called at the Kieta Yacht Club. Wally was one of the most notable recruits who came to us from this direction. To get him onto the BCL payroll there was some inventive collusion and juggling of manpower establishment between the Mining Division and the Computer Department.  Wally was placed across our mining systems under the handle of Project Leader.

Wally (and Merran) nearly did not make it to Bougainville. They were sailing along the coast of Santa Isabel on their way from Honiara to Kieta. During a storm Wally was knocked overboard and Merran was obliged to turn around the boat (without a mainsail) and search for him. After some 40 minutes he was recovered.


Thanks, Merran and thanks, Derek.

From: Merran Sanger []
Sent: Tuesday, 3 March 2015 1:38 PM
To: John Davidson

Halo Wantoks

It is with great sadness that I bring the news of the passing of Wally Sanger, 74 years young, Tuesday night February 24 at “Paradise Lost”  Ko Kradan, Thailand, of natural causes.  His big heart ‘just stopped’.

My sincere condolences to Nok his partner and Wally’s Ko Kradan “family” . He may be gone but I am sure his spirit will well and truly be felt for ever more.  Wally is being farewelled in traditional Thai funeral in the coming days.

To all those who knew Wally-  with his kindness & generosity,  laugh, stories and classic one liners – through work, sailing, fishing,  travelling and especially to all  those who shared his time on “Windstar”- the crews and their families- through the haul-outs, the races, the marriages on board  and the parties, I believe Wally would be saying…… “Thank you all for being part of my journey and enriching my life…it’s been a helluva ride.  Aloha nui loa”

I have included a link to an article written by David Luekens, a travel writer who met Wally a little while back.  David is more than happy for me  to share his article and credits Wally for being his inspiration to write.  I  think the article sums up Wally’s life and philosophy well.  Thank you David. 
Click here to download

R.I.P Wally –  aka   “The Craptain” 

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