Tuesday, March 17, 2015

RIP Patricia Fowler

To All,

We are sorry to advise of the passing of dear friend, Patricia Fowler. Pat left us on Saturday evening the 14th March at Caloundra. Our condolences go to Rosie, Rick, Raelene and Roslyn and their families.

The Fowler family came to Bougainville from Victoria`s Gippsland, in 1973. Bill (Chookie) was a Senior Foreman in our Milling Department. In 1977 Bill was transferred to the Mary Kathleen uranium mine. In 1978 we visited them there. Rosie and her husband, Andy Christie were visiting at the same time. A few years later Bill was transferred again, to Boyne Smelters.

Bill always held high pressure plant maintenance roles.  Much of the management of domestic and family affairs fell to Aunty Pat.

We count ourselves most fortunate to be, to this day, close family friends of the Fowlers.  We will miss you, Aunty Pat.

The funeral notice will be in Wednesday`s Courier Mail. The service will be held on the Sunshine Coast on Thursday 19th March.


Thank you, Rosie and Andy.

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