Sunday, June 19, 2016

2016 Reunion and Malaria


This is our final note towards the May 15th picnic.

The attachments include some details of the menu and last month`s circular.

This year we would like you former PNGBC bank johnnies to attend, in force.  Hopefully we will have some attendees from interstate. We have invited along past District Governor of Rotary International (from District 9600), George Grant. In the mid-70`s George enjoyed a short posting of Relieving Manager, in Arawa.  He and his wife, Mary have been working tirelessly to bring surplus medical equipment to the ports of Buka and to Kieta.  Mary is the President of the Rotary Club of Bribie Island.  The Grants have made a significant contribution to the formation of our new Rotary Community Corps club, in Arawa.  Last week I spoke with Geoff Stein who also lives at Bribie and he will make contact with Brian Healy. We believe that Brian was the last manager of the Panguna branch prior to the Bougainville Crisis. Geoff was at Panguna for more than 5 years.

Lindsay has been religiously reporting on the progress of A H Perry from his hospital bed, in Townsville. The latest news is most encouraging.  He has overcome so much but there is still a long way to go;

 This is the latest from Arthur`s brother......

“Hi guys, since my last report on Thursday thankfully Herbert has been steadily improving. Despite still having one draining tube left in his lung area today he has been breathing virtually unassisted all day - great news. The doctor told us today that Herbert was making a " remarkable " recovery and was being rewarded with his first food for 40 days - some green jelly and didn't he love it !!! Also for the first time today he was able to use his tablet and access info about his business which really excited him. So all in all terrific news although the doctor has told him he has several hurdles to overcome yet but it certainly looks like at last he has turned the corner,”

Arthur is a much loved veteran from the B60 Concentrator Division where he was a Foreman Rigger.  For many years, from his workshops in Cairns and in Lae he has been selling and supporting his wokabout saw milling machines. Testament to his popularity amongst our people and far beyond is the material posted in Facebook and on GoFundMe

At the last picnic we enjoyed the company of Arthur and Jocelyn.  See the photo, attached where he is standing with Raggles, Lindsay and Cliff Pollock.   This year Arthur has been extremely ill.  He has been in Townsville Hospital for several weeks.  All of us wish Arthur a speedy recovery.

You will have read of the recent terrible accident on the Arawa to Tunuru road.  We have lost 7 of our young people, 3 of them relations of our former workmate, Therese Jaintong.  Our condolences go to Therese and to all of the families affected by this tragedy.

This year we have changed our focus from Cancer Research to the Control of the Mosquito. This better recognizes our long association with the Islands Region.  Our friends from 
QIMR Berghofer, (the QLD Institute of Medical Research), including Joy, Joanne and Anna will assist with our administration and the collection of monies.  As you will see from the below attachments there are a number of projects in train.

When we have further refined our plans for the trek we will share the details with you.  Numbers will be limited so if you have any interest please be quick to respond.  You will see from the attachments that one of our number, Ray Hughes Odgers has been toiling in this patch for some considerable time.  Ray also has extensive experience on the trekking bit including across Bougainville.



 0418 784 186


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