Tuesday, October 3, 2017

RIP Paul Quodling


We regret to advise the passing of our former MD, Paul Quodling. Our condolences go to his children, Peter, Rob, Suzi and Judy and their families.

We have received some lovely words from some mates of his, Maurie and Jim.  See below: 

"Thanks Peter. I am very grateful to be involved.

I worked with and for Paul in BCL from 1970 through the very tough days
of establishment, operation, UDI and social upheaval to 1980.

It took a very steady hand on the helm to steer BCL through those
troubled waters.

Paul was an exceptional leader (tough on the outside but compassionate
and understanding within) bringing together the "two worlds" within BCL
whilst at the same time running, with Pam, the BCL/CRA family.

I had a hard time in my last year  on the Island, letting everyone down.
Paul helped me out of the hole. He had my utmost respect and thanks.

Vale Paul.
You and the rest of the family will not be forgotten by those who served with
you. Fly free

Maurie and Judy"

"Hi Peter

Paul was the Commercial /Financial manager reporting to Don Vernon and Frank Espie during the Feasibility studies for the Bougainville Copper Project from 66/67 through to approval to proceed in late 1970. He was involved in project financing, negotiating commercial contracts and project administration  for development of the Panguna mine and associated facilities at a cost of $300million.

He transferred to Bougainville as Commercial Manager in Bougainville Copper Ltd in the latter phases of construction.

Paul was the best manager/executive/ director I had the privilege of working for.

His management style was simple; agree the accountabilities of the position, agree the resources required to meet those accountabilities,the reporting schedule, and let you get on with it, but most of all no secrets or surprises.It was and still is simple but effective.

If you read the comments on the Bougainvile Copper page on Face book today there are some great quotes there.

Regards Jim"

Prior to Paul accepting the most senior commercial / financial appointment with BCL he was with Mary Kathleen Uranium, from `58 to 61.  From 64 – 66 he was in Africa with Palabora Copper. We still have with us from the first exploitation of MKU, Ann Barnham and Kevin Broom.

If we have the best in leadership then we have a fighting chance of getting everything else right  I was doubly blessed. I enjoyed the best in the Mining Sector that was BCL. This was subsequent experiencing the best in the infantry ranks under Colonel Eric Smith, while I was in Vietnam.



The funeral will be held on the 9th of October at 10am at White Lady Funerals,  270 Kelvin Grove Rd, Kelvin Grove. 

Suzi has advised that postal condolences should be posted to Rob Quodling, unit 25, 25 Mountford Rd, New Farm 4005.

Thank you Maurie, Jim and Davo. 

Kind regards

Peter Bennett


0407 570 009

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

QIMR Berghofer

The QIMR Berghofer story begins nearly 75 years ago in 1945, at a time when World War Two had just ended. Our buildings were former US Armed Forces huts, and our pioneering focus was on Queensland-specific fevers and tropical diseases. Influenced by rapid advances in technology and supported by a growing number of scientists, we expanded into many other areas of research, and embraced a more global outlook.  As we entered the new millennium, we launched our clinical trials facility to test potential new therapeutic products on humans, literally bringing our research from the laboratory bench to the bedside of patients. Today in 2017, we are known globally as a leading translational facility, ensuring that our scientific findings have real impact on the community.

However, despite our extraordinary progress over almost 75 years, there is more work to be done to ensure QIMR Berghofer’s vital medical research is translated more quickly into the clinic.Research is expensive and support from the community is essential to allow crucial research pathways to be followed.

QIMR Berghofer's vast research program aims to save lives:

Cancers we research include: Blood, brain, breast, colorectal, endometrial, graft versus host disease, head and neck/nasopharangeal, infection-related,leukemia/lymphoma, liver, lung, melanoma, mesothelioma, oesophageal, ovarian, pancreatic, pancreatic neuroendocrine, prostate, renal, sarcoma, skin, stomach, and thyroid.

Research Highlight: Launched a world-first immunotherapy clinical trial to treat brain cancer, equipping our own immune system to fight cancer.

Mental Health conditions we research include: Addiction,autistic spectrum disorders, child and youth mental health, neurodegenerative disorders (e.g. dementia), neurodevelopmental disorders (e.g. depression and anxiety), mood disorders, and psychotic disorders.

Research Highlight: Launched a five-year study to detectAlzheimer’s in its earliest stages and identify those at high risk of developing the disease.


Infectious Diseases we research include: Arboviruses, bacteria, Barmah Forest virus, chikungunya, cytomegalovirus, dengue, echinococcosis, Epstein-Barr virus,HIV, infection-related cancers, leishmania, malaria, parasites, respiratory syncytial virus, Ross River virusscabies, schistosomiasis, tuberculosis, and viruses.

Research Highlight: Testing potential malaria drugs in human clinical studies in Brisbane, and developing promising immunotherapy treatments.


Chronic Disorders we research include: Asthma, cardiovascular, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, endocrine, endometriosis, epilepsy and encephalopathy, eye disease, haemochromatosis, healthy CNS structure and function,inflammatory bowel disease, liver, maternal and pregnancy health, migrainerheumatology and thalassaemia

Research Highlight: Launched world-first trial to identify new treatments by studying the genetic make-up of people withasthma.

Without community support, QIMR Berghofer could not achieve its recent research highlights. 
For QIMR Berghofer the issue isn’t the science, it’s the funding. For every one dollar we receive from external research grants, we need another 65 cents to make the research happen.  When you choose to give to QIMR Berghofer, 100% of your donation goes directly to research.
You help us seize the opportunities presented by our brightest scientists and fulfil our pioneering promise to Australian and global communities of better quality of life through medical research. Your support means that QIMR Berghofer continues to achieve its life-changing and life-saving goals. 
100% of your donation goes directly to QIMR Berghofer medical research.
Thank you for your support.
All donations over $2 are tax deductible.


Monday, August 21, 2017

RIP Chris Rigby


It is with overwhelming sorrow that I write of the passing of our dear friend, Chris Rigby. Our condolences go to Michelle and to the kids.  Chris was so proud of his kids. For some years, has been undergoing treatment for cancer. We thought that we had it beat but it was not to be.

Christene and I feel like we have known the Rigby's forever.  Chris arrived in Bougainville in 1972. He lived at Loloho where he was in the employ of BCL and I was with Bechtel, in Panguna. Christene first met him subsequent to her joining the Commonwealth Bank in 1973. Michelle transferred from Rio, Brisbane to Panguna in 1979. The family returned to Australia in 1985, settling in Murrumba Downs.

Chris entered this world on the 8th January, 1950. He completed his apprenticeship with British Leyland in the UK in 1970. On arrival in Australia he stayed with the Leyland product, at UK Motors, in Brisbane. This was followed by a short stint at Garden Island prior to that exciting adventure that was Bougainville.

It was while he was at Loloho that he survived a spectacular accident on the company wharf.  He tumbled several metres from a crane. Fortunately he landed like a cat, on his feet. The bones in his ankles were smashed. Amazingly he recovered to such an extent that he eventually played A1 level squash. It is said that Sally Haig and her fellow nurses, at Arawa Hospital did a fine job during the recovery process.

On returning to Australia, over time, he was employed by several of the hydraulic hosing specialists including Pirtek, Enzed, Tyco and Hose Solutions. He then tried himself as an entrepreneur in the field of marine maintenance. It was during this time that he completed his first contract assignment with JDA. He was a Diesel Fitter with Mendi Motors . . . . . what an experience !  Chris took it in his stride and he went on to be one of our most prolific contractors. He spent several years at both Ok Tedi and Lihir Gold.

JDA and our clients were always so fortunate to have Chris in the team. The success of JDA was in no small measure due to the enduring high performance of the likes of Chris Rigby.  Chris was so versatile.  He could swing, just in an afternoon, from motor mechanics, to heavy diesel maintenance, to high level hydraulics and then to the repair of the largest of mineral processing plant.

Chris and I loved playing squash. When I was forced from BCL by the Bougainville Crisis I played veterans squash in the northern suburbs of Brisbane. It was at the time that BCL was wrapping up their business and I was considering my options. I had several people who believed in the potential of JDA but no one believed in us more than Chris. When it was my turn to drive to squash he gave me much intense coaching. He called these sessions “motivational talks”. However late in the evening after a few drinks I did not get much value.  It was then that the Wigan accent would kick in. I never did fully master the Wigan language.

I cannot conclude this without mentioning Chris`s wonderful sense of humour.

We had some fun times old mate. We did not have you for long enough. We will miss you.

The funeral is set for 1.00 pm on Monday, the 21st August at the Great Southern Memorial Park at 1774 Mt Cotton Rd, Carbrook. Thanks for your help, Bob.

Warm Regards




0418 784 186 

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Oxfam Trailwalker this weekend

Greetings all!

This weekend I will be walking the 55km to raise funds for the Brisbane Oxfam Trailwalker.  

This walk will commence at Lake Manchester and finish at Mt Coot-tha. If you would like to contribute then see the link below.  Your support is so much appreciated.  If you would like to speak with someone and I am not contactable then call Danni on 0414 808 139 and / or Tricia Riley, on 0414 710 761.

Here is the link to my teams page and you can donate easily through there by clicking on "Donate to John "


Thanks for your support!


0418 784 186 

Monday, March 20, 2017

Response to our circular in Feb 2017

From: Melissa Gorogo
Sent: Monday, 20 March 2017 1:51 PM
To: John Davidson
Cc: Peter Bennett; Info@johndavidson.com.au; 'Gary Fulton'; Info@johndavidson.com.au; Cassandra Whitchurch; Elton Bradley Gorogo; William Gorogo; 'Patrick Gorogo'
Subject: RE: Bougainville Circular Feb 2017

Hi Jon,

My dad was Ambrose Gorogo & mum; Mary Gorogo. Dad managed the Panguna supermarket from it’s opening to the end. None of us have returned to Bougainville yet , but I’m sure we will one day.

Dad’s entire working life was with Awara Enterprises Limited (AEL) from the supermarket in Arawa to Panguna.

I think the entire family flew out from Bougainville in May/June 1989 to Port Moresby where we have been since. I was 17, the next 16, 15 and then 10, 9 and 5 years old or thereabouts.

Mum and Dad have since passed on many years ago and my other siblings all keep in touch with their Loloho, Bovo and Panguna ex-school mates, neighbours as well as our Panguna School Principal – Peter Comerford.

That’s us in a nutshell !  
  1. Elton Gorogo
  2. Cassandra (Gorogo) Whitchurch
  3. William Gorogo
  4. Patrick Gorogo
  5. Christopher Gorogo

We’d love to be added into your Circular; I’ve copied my family into this email. Our youngest Christopher has cerebral palsy and we help care for him since our parents passing. He was only a 5 when we left Bougainville.  

Thank you for the opportunity to be added and we look forward to any initiatives where we could give back to Bougainville in some form or another.

Kind regards,

Melissa M Gorogo
Human Resource Manager | Kenmore Limited

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Autonomous Region of Bougainville (ARoB) Accelerated Malaria Control Project

From the desk of Ray Hughes-Odgers...

See attached a two pager on the Autonomous Region of Bougainville (ARoB) Accelerated Malaria Control Project (AMCP), for which my company, Shared Sky Pty Ltd, is Project Manager. I hold the AMCP Project Director role and we have a Bougainville based Project Manager. For clarification, the work of the ARoB AMCP is focused on initial malaria Control, which
is the essential prerequisite to a sustained commitment required to achieve Pre elimination and finally Elimination of malaria. In terms of action against diseases, elimination takes place in different parts of the world ahead of ultimate eradication. Eradication only applies on a global scale.  The only disease to have been eradicated globally is smallpox.

I am currently engaged with a major Australian university to investigate the viability of establishing a Trust Account with DGR status that could receive donations for the  entomological work on Bougainville that I have outlined in the attached two pager. DGR status provides tax deductibility for donations. This opens the potential for the ex BCL network to make individual donations.The entomological work on Bougainville (vector control, vector mapping, environmental measures and linked to GIS mapping of malaria incidence) is part of the work being undertaken by our Accelerated Malaria Control Project. Our work on Bougainville is conducted in collaboration with the Bougainville Healthy Communities Programme. We are also in dialogue with BCL about a potential contribution to toward the work of our Accelerated Malaria Control Project (AMCP) work.

Ray will be attending the picnic reunion and will be happy to speak about the Malaria Project in more detail then. 

Caving Exploration Group Bougainville

Thomas, as you may remember we had an active caving exploration group on Bougainville started and organised by Hans Meier Senior Chemist at the time.(1972 to 1986)
Hans started working on Bougainville during the exploration days and was involved in setting up the laboratories and training local employees.
Hans coached the cave group members in safe exploring these caves.
He was the main person to map these caves and has meticulously recorded these mappings.
Hans want to give his records to the autonomous Bougainville Government and it seems to be that you are in a position to pass on the maps to your Minister.
Hans and I both love the people of Bougainville and like to see an independent Bougainville.
The would be of historic and scientific interest as these caves are amongst to largest and most beautiful in the world.
Please send Hans your mail address and organise.
The attached photos have been made by Hans.
John van der Linden
61 2 42682852

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Oxfam Trailwalker Fundraiser - The Pacemakers

Greetings all!

This year we will commence our fund raising with participation in the Brisbane Oxfam Trailwalker program. This will culminate with a 60 Km walk on the 16th and 17th June. This walk will commence at Lake Manchester and finish at Mt Coot-tha. If you would like to contribute then see the link below.  Your support is so much appreciated.  If you would like to speak with someone and I am not contactable then call Danni on 0414 808 139 and / or Tricia Riley, on 0414 710 761.

Here is the link to my teams page and you can donate easily through there by clicking on "Donate to John "


Thanks for your support!


0418 784 186 

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

New years Newsletter


You will probably have seen, on the box and / or in the press, including in the Townsville Bulletin re the “high” adventure of Ian Smith and daughter, Carmen. Youngest daughter, Alicia has given us an update.  The headline was “Miracle field surgery gives pilot a fighting chance”, see above.

Woodstock is situated about 30 minutes drive from Townsville. We are so pleased to be able to report to you that Ian is now speaking to his family and some of the tubes have been removed. In close attendance are Veronica and the girls. The other daughters are Andrea and Emily.

When we were gathering our Townsville pack out crew, Ian was one of the first people we called.

In Bougainville Ian was, for several years during the 80`s, a member of the Technical Services, Power Reticulation, Despatch Dept, reporting through to Paul Cusack.

A big thank you to our Townsville journalist, Stan Neal.

We spent the Christmas to New Years week on Norfolk island. Even at this remote outpost we find people who share with us the Bougainville heritage.

I visited Alan and Polly Walpole and Ken Morgan and his family.  Alan and his father Alf were in the Pit workshop and Ken was a carpenter supervisor at Loloho.

We somehow missed the passing of David Alan (Dave) Cunningham around 12 months ago. However we thank Haggis for announcing it on the Facebook page.  We send to Vera and Joy our very best regards.

Dave was born in 1938.  After a stint in the UK Military including time with SAS, he became a highly skilled specialist welder, mainly based in Australia. In 1975 he built the Hornibrooks complex, in Arawa. From here he was approached by BCL. Dave worked out of Panguna for some 13 years. He completed a lot of project and maintenance works on our P & H shovels.  If required to define Dave in a word the first one that springs to mind is “gentleman”.

Thanks, Haggis.

Roy Goldsworthy is kindly sharing with us his library of BCL Newsletters and Concentrates magazines.  We will trickle them to you over the next 12 months.  Our first is from February of 1972 (to read, click on this link: 1972 No 2 Feb.pdf

Lastly, see the picture below, sighted by one of our number (wantok@me.com), entering a garage in Broadbeach


0418 784 186