Peter Tilyard has gathered from his AusIMM monthly magazine re the passing of Ron Kay.
We extend our condolences to Lexie and the family.
Ron spent several years as a key part of the mine management team. My personal knowledge and connections with Ron were limited to our association with the Panguna squash fraternity. Ron was an A1 Grade squashie when the Panguna competition was at its strongest. I cannot remember any player putting in more effort than Ron. A mop and bucket were often called for prior to the subsequent contest. This morning this has been confirmed by Harvey who said that “Ron always occupied centre court and there was a manic fight for every single point whether or not scores were tied or Ron had his opponent 26 to love.”
Jim added:
Ron worked in the mining project team doing the feasibility studies in Melbourne for the Bougainville Project and transferred to Panguna in 1970 when mining operations commenced. He held a series of positions in the Mining Department commencing as Superintendent of drilling and blasting, Manager Pit Operations and eventually Executive Manager Mining. Ron was a popular and effective manager as was shown by the improvement in Mining Division performances during the late seventies under his guidance. Ron and Lexie were popular members of the Panguna community. Ron transferred to CRA Melbourne in 1980 where he was involved in evaluation of new mineral projects.
John added:
The service to celebrate Ron`s life was held at the Bethel Chapel, 2d Cochrane St, Mitcham. Victoria. Supporting Lexie were the immediate Kay family including Cheryl, Michelle (Vienna), Bronwyn (London), Brendan (Sacramento and straight off the plane), Philip (Yarck), their partners and other near family. The BCL attendees were Ann Blackwell, Pat Pascoe, Bill and Judith Davis and the Baldwins. There was a wide range of locals, mainly representatives from the Warrandyte area, from Rotary, golfers, and neighbours from where the Kays lived after leaving Bougainville.
Respects were expressed by members of the family including one of Ron’s brothers in from New Zealand. I spoke of my time with Ron at BCL including the incident where the Geology Department nearly killed Lang Hancock in the pit when a grader backed over Ron’s new car.
I didn’t find or meet anyone at the service from his CRA days, but I do remember one report from the CRA Exploration grapevine at that time. Exploration was looking at the possibility of reopening Mt Bischoff, the former tin mine in north-west Tasmania. Ron, newly returned to Melbourne, was taken there to review mining options – he was reported to have said when looking over the abandoned mine – what will I do on the second day!? As Holtie will tell you, many outside of BCL didn’t really understand the size of the Panguna operation.
Thanks Peter, Jim, John and Harvey
Davo 0418 784 186 |